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FOR FIELD 所域关注现代生活方式与人文艺术文化,以身体、空间与叙事作为艺术表达的媒介。在这个平台上,我们将古典艺术的优雅与当代艺术的实验精神相结合,为每一位参与者打造一个交织历史、文化与个人故事的创造性艺术旅程。FORFIELD希望重新探讨纺织品在艺术与设计中的语言与议程,让其在哲学与思辨的交汇处散发光芒。
FORFIELD is a design studio that draws its essence from the delicate balance of modern living and the rich tapestry of humanistic art and culture. Its practice unfolds across diverse fields, including fiber art, textile design, installations, exhibitions, and cultural storytelling, all infused with thoughtful exploration. At its heart lies a deep curiosity about the interplay between materials and their contexts—sustainability, the shifting climate of globalization, and the evolving landscapes of contemporary art and consumption. With a quiet yet profound vision, FORFIELD seeks to redefine the role of textiles, crafting a new discourse where art and design merge, guided by philosophy and reflective inquiry.
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